Enamel matrix derivative proteins used for regeneration of bony defects in periodontitis
Alexandru Vlasa
Assessment of lingula and foramen mandibulae morphology and their implications for inferior alveolar nerve block: a comparative study of contemporary and medieval individuals.
Veress Szidonia Krisztina, Péter Előd Attila, Bojin Helga, Száva Dániel Tamás, Bögözi Bálint Botond, Gál Szilárd Sándor, Muresan Mircea Gabriel
Comparison of the effectiveness of sodium hypochlorite, citric acid, and diode laser in disinfection of the root canal system.
Andrea-Csinszka Kovács-Ivácson, Alexandra-Mihaela Stoica, Örs Bodó, Timea Dakó, Monica Monea
Comparative study on the degree of dental anxiety among adolescents/young adults versus middle-aged/senior adults.
Horodincă Claudia-Iulia-Beatrice, Tohati Adrian
Digital workflow in pediatric dentistry. A case report.
Moldovan Marcieana, Laios Daria, Miches Marina Adriana, Muntean Alexandrina
Rehabilitation of anterior esthetics using CAD-CAM fabricated zirconia Maryland bridge. A case report.
Prachi Jain, Manu Rathee, Surbhi Mittal, Sarthak Singh Tomar