Bone reconstruction in severe defects of the mandibular residual ridge in oral surgery

Alexandru Daniel Referendaru 1, Monica Raluca Comăneanu 1, Ștefania Iancu 1, Claudia Florina Andreescu 1, Horia Mihail Barbu 1
1 Faculty of Dental Medicine, Titu Maiorescu University Bucharest, Romania

Dental implants placement is often limited by the anatomy of the alveolar bone. Patients often lose their teeth due to alveolar bone resorption, tooth extraction, trauma thus making it difficult to place implants in an optimal prosthetic position. The loss of width of the residual alveolar ridge that is needed to place implants often needs a remodeling of the lost dimensions.
This case reports the successful management of such a patient where the placement of implants possible by autogenous bone block graft techniques obtained from the external oblique line of the mandible with predictable osseointegration and implant stability.